RoadSafetyUAE Pledge, your voice can make a difference

6488Pledges so far
Help us reach 100,000 pledges

Motorists taking the pledge will commit themselves to the following 4 points:

  • I will NOT DRIVE under the influence of Alcohol or banned substances

  • I AM AWARE of the ZERO-tolerance UAE alcohol limit

  • I will USE a taxi or a limo in case I consumed alcohol

  • I will have a sober person (a dedicated friend or a safe driver) driving my car in case I consumed alcohol

Ready to take your pledge?

It's easy. Just enter your email address and click on the Pledge button.

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We need YOUR VOICE to clearly state: ‘I commit myself to MAKE OUR ROADS SAFER!’ – and to sign our pledge!

…and please: forward the pledge to your family, friends, colleagues – whoever you care about!

  • DUBAI POLICE states ‘DUI’ among the top 3 causes of accidents and the #1 cause of accidents in night time!
  • There is just no excuse for ‘DUI’, as we endanger ourselves, our passengers and others
  • Consume responsibly and plan properly!