Drivers and Passengers taking the pledge will commit themselves to the following 4 points;
NO … to Texting & Driving, and using your Mobile Phone
NO … to Speeding
YES … to always wearing a Seat Belt – everybody in the vehicle!
YES … to always using the Indicator
Ready to take your pledge?
It's easy. Just enter your email address and click on the Pledge button. You can also help promote the pledge by sharing it on Facebook, Twitter or by email.We need YOUR VOICE to clearly state: ‘I commit myself to MAKE OUR ROADS SAFER!’ – and to sign our pledge!
…and please: forward the pledge to your family, friends, colleagues – whoever you care about!
- We experience shortcomings of Road Safety on a daily basis.
- Road Traffic Accidents are the # 2 killer overall, and #1 for kids below 14 years!
- Clearly, this is avoidable!
- We need to change our driving culture, and this starts with a PROMISE TO OUR SELF – via the PLEDGE!
- PLEDGE and lead by example – show a CARING ATTITUDE!
We want to ‘make a difference’ and this needs a strong voice – we count on YOU!. We are aiming for 100,000 pledges! Together, we’ll celebrate and decide our game plan for the future. With 100,000 of us standing strong for the cause, we will for sure improve the safety on our roads.
There are definitely additional important points of road safety, but for our initial pledge we want motorists to commit to those 4. In future pledges, additional points of road safety will be included.
Will your pledge make a difference and what is the purpose of the pledge? Possessing a driving license proves, that we know the road rules and the proper road behavior. Taking the pledge is a concrete action of rationalizing and reminding ourselves of how to do it right. Reading and discussing is one thing, but actively taking the pledge is a much more a testimony of our commitment to increase road safety.
Certainly, in the initial phases of the pledge, traffic participants, who already have a high conduct of road safety will make the pledge. However, they are encouraged to forward to pledge to other traffic participants with improvement potentials, or with a low conduct of road safety! It is in the interest of those they forward the pledge to! The more traffic participants will go through this process of rationalization by signing the pledge, the more the level of road safety will improve.
By forming a group, we can accomplish difficult goals that we might have trouble achieving alone. Like-minded people can help support the cause of improved road safety and the group momentum can positively influence positive behavioral change and ensure that we follow through on our good intentions. We need to ensure a culture of looking after each other on the road – and taking the pledge is a good start!
We invite all companies, educational institutions and organizations to sign the pledge, and also to encourage their employees, customers, students and other stakeholders to sign, too. It will help organizations develop a systematic approach to managing the key risks arising from road transport, thereby contributing to successful road safety outcomes.
Roadsafety is the step towards common welfare of society we live within.
every humanbeing is responsible not only towards their ownselves, their respective families and lovedones but also towards the larger community and social environment we breath in. we owe towards this land, towards the nature which provide us all the supporting systems to live a balanced life.
every considerate being who thinks above his/her ownself irrespective of their backgrounds, ethnic lineage , religion and their corresponding status in society, willing and working towards creating a better environment for all is deserving of being called as a humanbeing.
human beings are the best creation of God, and this could only be proved true once the beings realise their self worth and find way to become one with nature.
live by the law n order of environment as excepted of them.
It would take the efforts of the mass to achuieve this goal. It is not just the government or the police who would be able to help achieve this ambition of the land. It is inded a good initiative by the government to take the initiative for reducing the accidents on road.
Just today, the UAE authorities have announced that Pedestrian deaths fall 9% in UAE but still higher than in the West. It is a great achievement. However, it not a milestone to sit and relax. Road Safety programmes and initiatives as announced and promoted currently are the result of a sustained effort from some dedicated volunteers who kept their focus on this very important subject. In UAE, there is one constant reminder one has to keep while promoting such an initiative. The period starting January, you will see an increased activity. When it comes to summer and holidays, it slowly die down. In between many of the expats also change location, some move out of UAE, some new will arrive. In addition, many young and old new drivers arrive into our roads. This create an imbalance on the effort as information disseminated and instilled are not passed on to this group. This particular point has to be noted and a sustained, devoted and dedicated effort to be followed without a break. True, as such, for SAFETY, there is not even one minute one can relax, particularly when it comes to Road Safety.
I sincerely hope, the initiative is supported by many organisations, associations, and like minded individuals. If the same momentum is continued or improved, for a period of 5 years, I can assure you that our roads will be named safer to drive around. Till then, no rest, at least for some of us. Good luck and god bless to all those who support, listen and promote.
This is very good to create an awareness among the people who use roads in UAE.
I hereby affirm that I will take all precautions while diriving and obey all trafic rules while driving and so also will take all precautions while parking the car.
I will support all government initiative for road safety and will assist to propagate the road safety informations to all.
I hereby confirm and take oath that I will always take all required precautions and obey all trafic rules while drivng and or parking the car in any of the roads and in the country.
I have never seen such abuse of basic road safety rules as I have since I have been in the middle east. Every report of an accident says the driver “lost control”. I rarely see a driver in control here- one hand smoking or drinking coffee and the other texting or updating their twitter account or facebook – or taking photos of accidents for instragram or having a heated discussion on the phone without hands free. Then there the lack of seat belt usage, children riding on the drivers lap and the excess speed , overtaking on the inside and outside, poor positioning at roundabouts, not using signals and going through red lights. Finally driving aggressively and leaving too small a gap between cars
i just have notice that when my wife pass her driving license they have issued a sticker called ” RTA New Drive” in yellow color to be place in the rear glass of a car, so we have place it to the car that she drives. the million dollar question is why is it only her car that i see this AED 5 sticker? is this sticker mandatory by RTA or some of the new drivers are ashamed to put it on their cars or is she the only one who have passed since december 2013? i hope this can be read by an RTA so they can investigate, and the advantage of the the sticker is that the other drivers are not honking their horns when they see that your a new driver.
I am very happy to be a part of something which will GROW and also SAVE LIVES – education is the only way that we will combat the ridiculous number of accidents on our roads. Please also remember that in general you spend so much time making sure that your car is clean, looking good, and then you get behind the wheel and drive like someone possessed!!
A crazy attitude which I hope we can all change – just think of how many lives have been lost needlessly, how many families one accident can affect.
Stay safe – follow the rules of your country – and live long and prosper!
Pingback: ‘Make UAE Roads Safer!’- Pledge by RoadSafetyUAE.com – Motorheads
Pingback: ‘Make UAE Roads Safer!’- Pledge by RoadSafetyUAE.com | Yemen Business Central
Pingback: ‘Make UAE Roads Safer!’- Pledge by RoadSafetyUAE.com | Broadcast Middle East
All the initiatives are best if implemented properly. First of all I have a suggestion i.e. to reduce the Window Tint percentage to 30 or 40 Strictly, as we have seen in some vehicles the visibility is very poor with more than 50% Tint, it creates a lot of accidents.
Secondly, why not introduce COUNT DOWN TIMER just above the SIGNALS, so Drivers will have more time and be more cautious and avoid a lot of accidents at JUNCTIONS.
Another point is that Billboards / Signboards / Advertisement are kept near Pedestrian Crossings which reduces the visibility for both the Drivers as well Pedestrians, why not REMOVE this boards to make Pedestrian crossings safer.
I moved to Dubai in 2001 and driving since then. There is only one thing I am against the rules. Regardless of nationalities every new resident should take the driving test instead of converting the DL. I have seen accidents which drivers were not familiar with UAE rules!
Valid point from Naushad.
Points by Neil and Harvey to be noted.
Pingback: ‘Make UAE Roads Safer!’ – Pledge by RoadSafetyUAE.com | KTM-UAE
Some people may not know but even changing a tire by the roadside is dangerous and in some cases people have unfortunately died. The time taken to change a wheel and tire can be up to 40-45 minutes this can be uncomfortable in searing temperatures, stressful and more importantly dangerous. We have a product called Fix&Go that can repair a puncured flat tire in just 5 minutes, reducing the risk of been hit by a vehicle on the roadside. With Fix&Go you can drive safely up to 1000klms on the same repair, it would be great to have such a product as part of the vehicle test and the same requirments as a warning triangle and fire extinguisher. Regards Neil
I would suggest to assign the speed lane(1st lane) for the HOV facility (High Occupancy Vehicle). This will reduce the number of vehicles on the road and have a control on speeding vehicles in using the 1st track which is always the track for serious accidents.
Pingback: Sicherheit auf den Straßen | Expat aktuell
This is very good to create an awareness among the people who use roads in UAE our aim zero tolerence accident policy
I hereby pledge that ill support this movement and will wholeheartedly participate to make a difference from my side
This is great ways to create an awareness among the people who use roads in UAE. I hope the initiative is supported by a lot of organizations group and individuals. Good luck and God bless to all especially to those who support, listen and promote this road safety in UAE.
Please drive safely. If you don’t care for yourself then care for someone else family and your’s too. We know driving speedily thrills but on other side it also kill people.
We must adhere to simple and basic rules..! Somebody is waiting for us at home..!
Good morning all.
I urge everyone to look at Volkswagon’s new “Texting behind the wheel ” Search in Utube
Incredibly well done !!!
Safer Driving all
Nikki CEO BrakePlus GCC http://www.brake-plus.com
I hereby confirm and take oath that I will always take all required precautions and obey all traffic and safety rules while driving and / or parking the car in any of the roads in the UAE and anywhere else in the World!
I hereby take the oath that will obey the traffic rules of UAE for Safer Road.
I hereby confirm and take oath for Safer Road.
I hereby confirm and take oath.
I hereby pledge that ill support this movement and will wholeheartedly participate to make a difference from my side
I hereby commit myself to obey the traffic rules for MAKE UAE ROADS SAFER
I hereby take the oath that will obey the traffic rules of UAE for Safer Road.
Safe driving paves the way to safe roads and each one of us is duty bound to pledge a safer road .Drive safely and keep this as a motto to create awareness among family and friends.
I hereby take the oath that will obey the traffic rules of UAE for Safer Road.
This is very good thing what the road safety program has done by u a e i hereby confirm and oath ,also some one is weating for us at home
Though I haven’t started driving yet but will drive soon so I, hereby pledge to follow all road rules and will communicate to others too.
Pingback: Pledge To Make UAE Roads Safer! Your Voice Can Make A Difference | Shining Star Auto Blog
NO – Kids in the front row
YES – carseat for every child
I hereby confirm and take oath for Safer Road
First of all, a BIG thank you to Mr. Thomas Edelmann for initiating this drive to safety. Wonderful to know we have individuals like you taking the initiative and most of all, making it happen! Hope this campaign reaches out to the widest audience and make the eternal difference.
Wishing all the success!
i will follow the rules while driving
√ YES – Seat belts – by EVERYBODY in your car!
√ YES – Indicators – every time you change lanes!
ø NO – Speeding!
ø NO – Mobile Phone: not without proper hands-free equipment!
Drive fine & avoid fine
I hereby take the oath that will obey the traffic rules of UAE for Safer Road
Pingback: Young Drivers | Road Safety UAE
“No race, no rally,
just enjoy the beautiful UAE.”
“UAE Highway – not runway.”
“Live and let Live.”
“Better late than never.”
Speed thrills but kills.
Bad overtaker means undertaker.
“Be Mister Late, not the late mister.”
“3 enemies of the road – liquor, speed, overload.”
I hereby confirm and take oath for Safer Road
‘I commit myself to MAKE UAE’s ROADS SAFER!’
i can discover numerous good answers basically have any trouble!
Defensive driving is the best technique to be applied while driving . Follow road signs and always judge your fellow road users well in advance . Give way to speedsters and avoid being tailgated .Always follow lane discipline. Drive Safe and Be Safe. Life is too important than anything else.
I pledge to follow the rules as, following these rules not only will save your own life but also the lives of others.
Obey Traffic Rules; Be Safe.
Traffic rules are not only for drives; you (Passengers, Pedestrian, Workers on the road) are also responsible to know the traffic rules and obey with respect.
It would take the efforts of the mass to achuieve this goal. It is not just the government or the police who would be able to help achieve this ambition of the land. It is inded a good initiative by the government to take the initiative for reducing the accidents on road.
Always with Dubai Police to make Roads safer.
Always put my maximum efforts to make 0% accident free roads.
Big salute to Dubai Police for this Great initiative.
Wishing all the best to achieve this remarkable task great success.
I really appreciate UAE govt & RTA for giving well maintained roads and infrastructure. It’s duty of each driver to take pledge to avoid accidents. Because of our mistake we are making others life in danger. So drive safe , be safe and makes others safe
Pingback: A Study Reveals Nearly 50% Of Drivers Don't Use Indicators On UAE Roads
Persuading parents not to let their children hang out of windows and sunroofs would be a priority – alongside tailgating and not indicating. Getting on top of these small things would help everyone say safe.
Hi Rian,
Fully agree! We need to educate the ‘next generation’ from an early stage on. Parents must embrace road safety by making sure their children are in the proper child restraint systems right from birth onwards, educate them about how to interact safely with other road users, even if they are young. Parents must make sure their children follow the rules and laws, for example on eScooters (min 16 years of age, helmet, lights, etc.). Parents must also lead by GOOD example, meaning: always wear the seat belt, no distracted driving, no phone use behind the steering wheel, no road rage, display always caring and safe behavior, and as you state, no tailgating and using the indicator, and more. They drive a car and hence, it is fair to assume they have a driving license and they need how it’s done!
Drive safely and kind regards,
Your RoadSafetyUAE Team