RoadSafetyUAE Pledge, your voice can make a difference

6488Pledges so far
Help us reach 100,000 pledges

Drivers  and Passengers taking the pledge will commit themselves  to the following 4 points;

  • NO … to Texting & Driving, and using your Mobile Phone

  • NO … to Speeding

  • YES … to always wearing a Seat Belt – everybody in the vehicle!

  • YES … to always using the Indicator

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We need YOUR VOICE to clearly state: ‘I commit myself to MAKE OUR ROADS SAFER!’ – and to sign our pledge!

…and please: forward the pledge to your family, friends, colleagues – whoever you care about!

  • We experience shortcomings of Road Safety on a daily basis.
  • Road Traffic Accidents are the # 2 killer overall, and #1 for kids below 14 years!
  • Clearly, this is avoidable!
  • We need to change our driving culture, and this starts with a PROMISE TO OUR SELF – via the PLEDGE!
  • PLEDGE and lead by example – show a CARING ATTITUDE!

We want to ‘make a difference’ and this needs a strong voice – we count on YOU!.  We are aiming for 100,000 pledges! Together, we’ll celebrate and decide our game plan for the future. With 100,000 of us standing strong for the cause, we will for sure improve the safety on our roads.

There are definitely additional important points of road safety, but for our initial pledge we want motorists to commit to those 4. In future pledges, additional points of road safety will be included.

Will your pledge make a difference and what is the purpose of the pledge? Possessing a driving license proves, that we know the road rules and the proper road behavior. Taking the pledge is a concrete action of rationalizing and reminding ourselves of how to do it right.  Reading and discussing is one thing, but actively taking the pledge is a much more a testimony of our commitment to increase road safety.

Certainly, in the initial phases of the pledge, traffic participants, who already have a high conduct of road safety will make the pledge. However, they are encouraged to forward to pledge to other traffic participants with improvement potentials, or  with a low conduct of road safety! It is in the interest of those they forward the pledge to! The more traffic participants will go through this process of rationalization by signing the pledge, the more the level of road safety will improve.

By forming a group, we can accomplish difficult goals that we might have trouble achieving alone. Like-minded people can help support the cause of improved road safety and the group momentum can positively influence positive behavioral change and  ensure that we follow through on our good intentions. We need to ensure a culture of looking after each other on the road – and taking the pledge is a good start!

We invite all companies, educational institutions and organizations to sign the pledge,  and also to encourage their employees, customers, students and other stakeholders to sign, too. It will help organizations develop a systematic approach to managing the key risks arising from road transport, thereby contributing to successful road safety outcomes.