Many new drivers appear to have serious confidence issues such as being unable to emerge into or merge with flowing traffic from side roads or filter lanes. This causes many problems with frustrated motorists stuck behind them and doubtless the cause of many of the shunts we see in slow traffic. Driving instructers from all the leading schools rarely seem to put their students into situations where they can practice these common manoeuvres. This needs to be implemented in the driver training curriculum as does a mandatory drive along Sheik Zayed Road (or similar) entering or leaving it before a pupil can be deemed fit for their test.
*** Getting into the correct lane to exit the road
Drivers (this applies equally to experienced drivers) should also be educated on how to exit a road, i.e. get into the exit lane early rather than a last minute swerving manoeuver across 3 lanes of traffic. It seems to be a matter of local pride as to how late you can leave your exit manoeuvre.