It is amazing to see how supportive our partners are towards our platform overall, and specifically towards our recently launched pledge. In order to ‘make a difference’, the cause of road safety needs strong support from as many entities as possible and we are very grateful to our partners for all their efforts.

Letter from the Indian Ambassador to his fellow countrymen – 26th May 2014

This means a lot to us and we want to extend a big ‘Thank You!’ to H.E. the Indian Ambassador to the UAE, Mr. T.P. Seetharam. The Indian community is one of the most effected ethical groups and suffers the consequence of poor road safety. Hence the support of the Indian Embassy is priceless!

DO letter from Ambassador of India

Scientechnic @ Wetex April 14-16

Wetex Scientechnic Stand

A big thank you to our supporter Scientechnic who support our pledge ‘Make UAE Roads Safer!’ at their busy stand at Wetex from April 14-16.

ADCB ‘Health&Wealth’ Day in Abu Dhabi’s Khalifa Park 12th April

ADCB 12-April-2014 - 1

A good mix of tips and advise about a healthy and wealthy lifestyle, and RSU were invited to speak at the event.

Infiniti Event @ Infiniti Showroom SZR 1st April

Infinity Event April 1 - Presenting4 web res

An event dedicated to women to explain the technical safety features of the Infiniti car range.