In this section we list selected media coverage for RoadSafetyUAE, our press releases and other content related to media. We are in the fortunate situation to have established great day-to-day working relationships with the UAE’s leading media, resulting in plenty of media coverage in print, on-line and radio.
Our aim is to increase the awareness for road safety, and hence we are very grateful for the fantastic support we receive from the UAE’s leading media!
Thankfully, we have been featured in thousands of media articles and we are only able to highlight our main press releases below. Should you be interested also in our re-active media work, just google ‘RoadSafetyUAE’ and your subject of interest, for example ‘RoadSafetyUAE motorcycle delivery safety’ … and certainly you will find what you were looking for!
March 2025: We issued our yearly Ramadan safe driving tips and here are some examples:
- The National,
- Khaleej Times,
- Aletihad English, and more.
February 2025: We analyzed and interpreted the 2024 Road Accident Raw Data from MOI and our press release was covered by:
- Gulf News,
- Khaleej Times,
- The National,
- Zawya, and more.
February 2025: With our CSR-Partner Al Wathba National insurance we conducted a YouGov survey ‘The public perception of motorcycle delivery riders’ and were covered by:
May 2024: Ministry of Interior (MOI) shared the UAE 2023 Road Accident Statistics and we analyzed those for a major press release, which was picked up by all leading UAE media. Here are some examples of the great coverage:
March 2024: We teamed up with our CSR-Partner Tokio Marine Insurance to analyze the 2023 road accident claims to come up with a data-based recommendation of how to stay safe on the roads during Ramadan. Here is a great example of the coverage in Khaleej Times!
March 2024: We commissioned with our CSR-Partner Al Wathba Insurance a YouGov study in January 2024, in order to uncover what distracts UAE motorists. Distracted driving is the number one deadly mis-behavior on UAE’s roads, leading to 85 fatalities (i.e. 25% of all road fatalities)! Here is some of the great media coverage:
January 2024: Jointly with our CSR-Partner Al Wathba Insurance we commissioned the 10th Cycle of our long running behavior study ‘UAE Road Safety Monitor’. The press release generated 92 articles and a media value of USD 506,000 (AVE). Examples:
January 2024: We celebrated our 10th Anniversary and Gulf News was so kind to bring a feature article about the organisation and the founder Thomas Edelmann
January 2024: The leading UAE media start the year with a Child Car Seat focus:
July 2023: Dubai introduced new traffic rules and we worked with ARN Dubai Eye 103.8 and Khaleej Times on sharing our views
- (Podcast from minute 01:15)
- Khaleej Times – Article 1:
- Khaleej Times – Article 2:
June 2023: Jointly with our CSR-Partner CYBEX we kicked-off our relationship with a press release featuring car child seat figures and the need to improve!
April 2023: Our CSR-Partner STS teamed up with ITC Abu Dhabi for a school road safety campaign
- Gulf News
- WAM (the official UAE media agency)
- Khaleej Times
September 2022: Our CSR-Partner STS Group organized a training program for its Abu Dhabi based 556 school bus drivers and 150 school bus attendants. Examples:
August 2022: ‘UAE Summer Road Accident Patterns – Insurance Claims Data Analysis’. We teamed up with our CSR-Partner Tokio Marine Insurance for this study. Some examples:
July 2022: With our CSR-Partners Al Masaood and Bridgestone we ran a truck safety campaign with ITC Abu Dhabi. Here are some examples of the coverage:
May 2022: The 2nd part of the research project we did with OnStar was published. The focus of this part of the research was to understand the views of UAE’s first responders with regards to dealing with the aftermaths of road accidents. Examples of the coverage:
March 2022: ‘RoadSafetyUAE and OnStar Launch Research into the Psychological Impact of Car Accidents on Drivers in the UAE’ – here are some examples:
December 2021: ‘Running Late – main culprit for reckless driving’ – a joint research initiative with our CSR-Partner Volkswagen to uncover more details about the root cause for much of the misbehavior we see on our roads.
September 2021: ‘UAE motorists face high levels of driver anxiety’
August 2021: 2x great ‘Back-to-School’ articles:
August 2021: ‘Car insurance claims on the rise, drivers should be more diligent on the road and when choosing insurance’ … an insurance data based claims analysis with our CSR-Partners RSA Insurance.
- Press release in Arabic and English, plus the full evaluation – click here
- 110 articles, media value USD 385,000
- Examples: The National – Khaleej Times – ARN News Center (and live ‘Business Breakfast’ coverage)
March 2021: ‘Are Ladies the Better Drivers?’ - To mark the international women’s day on March 8, we wanted to shed some light on ‘Who are the better drivers, females or males?’. This question captures the attention around the globe and RoadSafetyUAE wants to share some research-based UAE specific insights.
- Press release in Arabic and English, plus the full evaluation – click here
- 106 articles, media value USD 371,000
- Examples: Gulf News - Khaleej Times – The National – ARN 103.8 Dubai Eye ‘Afternoons with Helen Farmer’
December 2020: We conducted the first-ever UAE Car Occupancy survey with our CSR-Partner Noor Takaful | Ethical Insurance and published Part II ‘Do School Run Habits Cause Morning Traffic Jams?’ via a main press release:
- Press releases in English and Arabic, plus the full evaluation – click here
- Total 98 articles
- Clipping Examples: Khaleej Times, Gulf News
October 2020: We conducted the first-ever UAE Car Occupancy survey with our CSR-Partner Noor Takaful | Ethical Insurance and published Part I ‘New Data Reveals the Cause of Traffic Congestions’ via a main press release:
- Press releases in English and Arabic, plus the full evaluation – click here
- Total 99 Articles, media value USD 346,500
- Clipping Example: Gulf News
August 2020: BACK TO SCHOOL – School Bus SAFETY PROTOCOL, as COVID-19 demands new safety protocols for our children.
- Press releases in English and Arabic and full evaluation – click here
- Total 96 articles
- Clipping Examples: Gulf News, The National
June 2020: We created the new topic ‘Summer Driving Tips’ on our on-line portal and issued a press release which saw nice coverage.
- Press releases in English and Arabic and full Evaluation – click here
- Total 64 articles
- Clipping Examples Khaleej Times, Tires & Parts, Zawya
March / April 2020: Despite road safety not being a key focus during the period of calm roads during COVID, we worked on re-active media articles, for example:
February 2020: Our CSR-Partner TomTom revealed their Global Traffic Index and jointly we distributed a press release - great media coverage once again!
Abu Dhabi – ranked 410th globally with a congestion level of 10% (-1% vs. 2018).
Dubai – ranked 265th globally with a congestion level of 21% (-2% vs. 2018).
57% of countries included see increases in traffic congestion, while Abu Dhabi (-1%) and Dubai (-2%) see decreases.
Global average congestion level is 29%, while Abu Dhabi’s is 10% and Dubai is 21%.
- Some examples: Gulf News, Khaleej Times, The National
- Total 118 articles
November 2019: ‘How tolerant are UAE motorists?’ Jointly with our CSR-Partner Noor Takaful we tried to understand – in the 2019 ‘Year of Tolerance’ how tolerant we are on our roads.
- Article example: Gulf News
- Total 110 articles
November 2019: 8th cycle of the UAE Road Safety Monitor, jointly researched and published with our CSR-Partner Noor Takaful. Dangerous Driving Increases Slightly, but Remains on Relatively Low Level
- Article example: Arabian Business
- Total 106 articles
September 2019: As ‘Lane Swerving / Abrupt Changes of Lanes’ remains the main killer on our roads – and in these instances indicators are not used, we wanted to share some light: The Stubborn Non-Use of Indicators on UAE Roads, a Key Ingredient to the #1 Cause of Road Fatalities!
- Article example: Gulf News
- Total 115 articles
June 2019: As tyre bursts pose a big safety risk in summer, jointly with our CSR-Partner Michelin we released this press release: ‘Summer Heat & Tire Safety… a Call to Action!’
- Total 107 articles
June 2019: Our CSR-Partner TomTom conducted a global traffic congestion survey. 403 cities have been surveyed in the ‘TomTom Global Traffic Index’, whereby Abu Dhabi (#396) and Dubai (#202) are included in the survey and compare pretty well.
- Press Release (English): Global Traffic Index – UAE’s 2 main cities compare well
May 2019: As the theme of the ’5th UN Global Road Safety Week’ 6-12 May was ‘Leadership’, we invited our CSR-Partners to share their proof-points of ‘Leaderhip’ and we dedicated a press release to it. A big thank you goes to STS, Mercede-Benz, Serco, MiX Telmatics, Michelin, DOKA and TomTom.
- Press Release (English): 5th United Nations (UN) Global Road Safety Week 6-12 May 2019 – ‘Leadership’
April 2019: We worked with leading media on 3 articles about road safety matters close to our heart:
- Littering / lack of road etiquette.Littering can become very dangerous for other road users and it must be strictly avoided:
- The need to introduce mandatory curriculum content in Kindergartens, Schools and Universities – to protect our children and young drivers. For children to the age of 15, road traffic fatalities are the #1 cause of death and young motorists cause 45-50% of UAE accidents. (page 22):
- An outlook on bicycle safety. Besides pedestrians, bicycle riders are the most vulnerable road traffic participants and need special attention:
April 2019: Jointly with Al Ghandi Auto we distributed the research-based press release ‘UAE Young Drivers Behavior & Attitudes’. As about half of all accidents happen to young motorists, awareness must be raised for this vulnerable segment!
February 2019: The strong media support for our cause continued and here are some great examples of our collaboration with UAE’s leading media:
January 2019: Khaleej Times partnered up with RoadSafetyUAE and some of our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Partners for a 14-day long road safety media campaign. What a great way to start the year! Here are some examples:
12th December 2018: RoadSafetyUAE won at the ‘Oscars’ of road safety, the Prince Michael of Kent International Road Safety Awards, and the regional media reported nicely about it:
- Total of 102 articles
4th November 2018: The UAE witnessed the introduction of the holistic seat belt law in July 2017. How did seat belt usage change since the introduction of this ground-breaking law? Jointly with our CSR-Partner i-Insured/QIC in September 2018 we re-ran our seat belt survey we did in February 2017 to measure changes of seat belt usage and attitude. UAE’s media once again supported our cause with broad media coverage!
8th October 2018: The 7th cycle of the ‘UAE Road Safety Monitor’ (“UAE Motorists Behavior Must Match Authorities’ Efforts – ‘UAE Road Safety Monitor’ (7th cycle)”, which we conducted with our CSR-Partner i-Insured yielded in great media coverage once again!
15th May 2018: Safe Ramadan Driving – we researched jointly with our CSR-partner i-Insured the traffic accident/claims pattern to draw conclusions for our Ramadan specific safe driving tips. The media supported us greatly: 105 articles, USD 340k generated!
11st April 2018: Does the UAE have a safe driving culture? We researched this with a YouGov survey and published the results. Once again, great coverage: +100 articles, USD +300k media value generated for our cause!
21st March 2018: We conducted the ‘first-ever UAE Truck Trailer Safety Conference’ jointly with our CSR-partner WABCO and received great coverage for our press release:
13th March 2018: The 6th cycle of the ‘UAE Road Safety Monitor’ (“UAE Roads Are Becoming Less Dangerous – ‘UAE Road Safety Monitor’ (6th cycle)”, which we conducted with our CSR-Partner i-Insured yielded in great media coverage once again:
21st January 2018 + 14th February 2018: We had 2x great radio appearances on ARN 103.8 Dubai Eye – the ‘Drive Live Show’, jointly with our CSR-partners MAN and Dubai Driving Center. Franz Freiherr von Redwitz (MAN) and Ian Littlefield (DDC) provided great insights to the listeners of ‘Drive Live’ and we responded to the plenty of comments received during our time on-air. To listen to the podcasts check this out:
12th December 2017: We conducted a pioneering research project to understand the perception of UAE’s motorbike delivery riders.
4th December 2017: Our CSR-partner Osram conducted the first-ever Middle East ‘Light Test Week’
26th November 2017: With our CSR-partner Careem we teamed up for the #buckleup2017 campaign aimed at Careem captains to engage with their passengers to emphasize the use of seat belts.
30th October 2017: ‘Tailgating Explained’ – a press release based on the research results of our behavior analysis we conducted jointly with our CSR-partner QIC Insured.
11th October 2017: Our CSR-partner Serco, in partnership with RoadSafetyUAE hosted their 2nd ‘Road Safety Awareness Day’ on 10-Oct in Ghantoot. The event was attended by more than 100 delegates from various road-safety committed organizations and the media.
30th September 2017: The 5th cycle of the ‘UAE Road Safety Monitor’ we have been conducting with our CSR-Partner QIC Insured yielded in great media coverage once again:
9th July 2017: We teamed up with our CSR-partner dubizzle for the on-line survey ’2nd hand cars & road safety’. Most interesting finding: 81.5% of second hand car buyers’ bad experiences stem from issues undisclosed by sellers!
22nd May 2017: We dedicated a press release to Ramadan 2017, whereby we teamed up with our CSR-partners QIC Insured and Gargash Insurance Brokers to understand the insurance claims / accidents data during Ramadan 2016 to draw learning for this year’s Ramadan.
24th April 2017: We shared ‘Children & Seat Belts’, the 2nd part of the ‘First Holistic Seat Belt Use Survey’ with UAE’s media.
30th March 2017: We conducted the ‘First Holistic Seat Belt Use Survey’ in the UAE and shared the part 1 of results (adult behavior) with the media.
12th March 2017: We shared the results of the 4th cycle of the UAE Road Safety Monitor, our unique perception study. Despite the overall positive/stable trends, the absolute perceived misbehavior levels are still very high!
5th March 2017: Dubai Eye 103.8 – ‘Drive Live’ with Tim and Alex were kind enough to invite us to be guests in their new ‘Behind the Wheel’ radio show, which will be live on air 1x per month. Listen to the podcast of the 2nd show:
2nd March 2017: We launched our partnership with STS school bus company, which is very strategic for us to educate and protect our children in the ‘Extended Classroom’.
20th February 2017: Gulf News brought a prominent article on the CSR aspect of our platform - in the context of ‘Year of Giving 2017′. This prominent article in the leading UAE newspaper is a great compliment for the work of all of our CSR-minded partners and RoadSafetyUAE.
29th January 2017: Dubai Eye 103.8 – ‘Drive Live’ with Tim and Alex were kind enough to invite us to work together on the new ‘Behind the Wheel’ radio show! The show will be live on air 1x per month. Listen to the podcast of the inaugural show:
10th January 2017: Jointly with NISSAN and Aqdar, we launched the UAE university program ‘Aqdar Drive Safely’, which enjoys the endorsement of HH Sheikh Saif Al Nayan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, and the launch event was honored by the presence of 2 more ministers!
3rd January 2017: Like in 2016, we dedicated our first media burst of 2017 to ‘Our 3 wishes for 2017′: Seat Belts + Road Etiquette & Politeness + Time Management
16th November 2016: We distributed a press release for the first-ever UAE ‘Mobile Phones in the Car’ behavior research, which was commissioned jointly with Qatar Insured (QIC) and conducted by YouGov.
6th September 2016: We announced the results of the 3rd cycle of the ‘UAE Road Safety Monitor’, commissioned jointly with Qatar Insured (QIC) and conducted by YouGov. The major perception trends with regards the main killers on UAE’s roads are either stable or develop in the right direction, with the exception of still raising ‘tailgating’ (lane swerving).
16th June 2016: Wasim Akram, a global cricket legend lends his endorsement to RoadSafetyUAE. He is building the link from cricket to road safety by stressing the need for a caring attitude for all the team members = all traffic participants.
6th June 2016: Our ‘Ramadan 2016′ Tips & Tricks got very nice media coverage, which is great, since Ramadan is a key season for accidents, injuries and fatalities on our roads.
10th May 2016: Our cooperation with Careem starts with a ‘dip-stick’ research about the seat-belt usage in chauffeur driven cabs and taxis. resulting in a fantastic consumer promotion: ‘Sign the pledge to buckle up and earn Careem discounts!’
24th April 2016: 15 Years Old UAE Student’s Road Safety Video Wows Audiences – we worked with Charlie Cracknell and VOX Cinemas to screen a wonderful road safety video.
4th April 2016: The first-ever ‘Indicator-Use’ research yielded in great front pages coverage and in prominent coverage in UAE’s leading print, on-line and radio media.
5th March 2016: The 2nd cycle of the ‘UAE Road Safety Monitor’, RoadSafetyUAE conducted jointly with Qatar Insured, brought a fresh outlook on the perception of UAE motorists on the dangers of the road and the top killers. Once again, UAE’s leading media covered the story very well.
4th January 2016: Our press release ‘UAE’s Road Safety – 3 wishes for 2016′ got broad coverage in on-line media thanks to our CSR-supporter NSG, as well as in prominent print media like Khaleej Times and The National, and in radio, on the ARN stations.
25th November 2015: Our CSR-supporter OMD secured us 80x pro-bono radio spots on Suno FM, Radio 4, Channel 4 and Gold FM
5th October 2015: Our joint research with Zurich ‘Reasons for Speeding’ made it to the front page of 7DAYS, great articles in leading UAE media, plus prominent radio coverage
1st September 2015: We dedicated a media burst to the important topic of ‘Back to School’
2nd August 2015: UAE witnessed a hike in petrol prices and KT worked with us on a great story on fuel efficiency and road safety:
6th July 2015: KHALEEJ TIMES brought a great article on Road Rage:
1st July 2015: Gulf News Cover Story and p2+3 article on new distance radars
24th June 2015: Gulf News covered the issue of new radars fighting tailgating
14th May 2015: THE NATIONAL, KHALEEJ TIMES, 7DAYS and most of the on-line news (Gulf News, etc.) covered our initial’ Zurich RoadSafetyUAE Monitor’, as well as another great feature on 103.8 Dubai Eye on 13-May-2015
8th May 2015: KHALEEJ TIMES – Drive with each other, not against the other. A great feature article in the ‘Opinion’ section.
3th May 2015: 7DAYS – End of the Road for TAILGATING – Prominent Front-Page coverage and P9 cont.
8th March 2015: 7DAYS – Nursery puts brakes on bad drivers! Jointly with RTA, we successfully rectified a problem area in front of a nursery.
17th February 2015: KHALEEJ TIMES – Belting out a tune for child safety
24th January 2015: our initiative receives attention from the GCC region and a leading Qatar magazine included us in a great article:
6th January 2015: we marked our 1st Anniversary with a dedicated press release – here is the summary of our on-line coverage, distributed and compiled by our CSR partner NSG
19th November 2014: to mark our cooperation with KHDA (Dubai Government’s Knowledge and Human Development Authority), which oversees Dubai’s private schools and 240,000 kids, we issued a press release jointly with our CSR supporter Michelin about their school role play we promoted at KHDA’s What-Works event. Here is a good example of coverage by a leading magazine addressing all UAE teachers:
16th October 2014: with our CSR supporter Zurich, we issued our 2nd press release about the 2nd part of our research we did on ‘Collisions and perceived factors of accidents’ and got great coverage in most of UAE’s leading media. Here are some examples of The National and 7DAYS:
26th September 2014: Gulf News FRIDAY Magazine brought a great 3 page feature article about
2nd September 2014: with our CSR supporter Zurich, we issued our press release about the research we did on ‘Distracted Driving’ and got great coverage in all leading UAE media. Here are some examples:
26th August 2014: The buzz is back in Dubai and the interest for safer roads seems to be higher than ever.
Today is a great day for!
* Our Radio Spots started today at: Al Rabia (107.8 FM), Radio 4 (89.1 FM) and Channel 4 (104.8 FM):
* We are in Khaleej Times on p7 with our weekly road safety tips (‘Kids in the car’)
* We are mentioned prominently in The National on p2 in an article about bus safety
* City 7TV included us in their News today at 7PM – about distracted driving:
22th June 2014: Our Ramadan press release yielded in more than 120 articles, radio interviews and a TV interview on City 7TV
6th May 2014: Niki Lauda’s endorsement of RoadSafetyUAE resulted in broad regional and UAE coverage, and we even made it onto the front page of 7DAYS!
16th April 2014: Bloomberg Businessweek wrote a well researched cover story on Dubai’s vision of ’0 Road Fatalities by 2020′ in the issue 16-30 April 2014. The coverage of RoadSafetyUAE was great:
9th March 2014: Our pledge ‘Make UAE Roads Safer!’ brought us broad media coverage in The National, 7DAYS, Khaleej Times, Several on-line media, TV Studio One (see link below), Radio 103.8, etc. … another big ‘thank-you’ to UAE’s media!
1st March 2014: Khaleej Times entered into a strategic partnership with RoadSafetyUAE with featuring weekly road safety tips. The partnership started end December 2013 and here is the most recent article from yesterday, 1st March 2014:
12th January 2014 - ’The National’, one of UAE’s leading news papers, prints a feature story about us!
6/7. January 2014 - A big ‘THANK YOU’ to UAE’s media, who picked up strongly on our UAE press release. It is great to see this kind of support for the cause of Road Safety!! Here are the highlights:
TV News coverage on City7 TV:
Radio coverage in the hourly news 103.8 Dubai Eye and Radio1, and on 103.8 Dubai Eye’s ’Drive Live’:
1st January 2014 - The year starts great for us! UAE’s Khaleej Times featured for the 2nd time the weekly ‘Road Safety Tips’ section.
24. December 2013 – UAE’s Khaleej Times featured a road safety article with contributions and quotes of on their front page, as well as on page 3 the continuation of the front page article plus the start of the weekly ‘Road Safety Tips’ section.
18. December 2013 – we distributed our launch press release via our partner New Service Group Middle East, which resulted in 178 articles (46 Arabic and 132 English).
7. November 2013 - UAE’s Khaleej Times wrote an article about UAE’s ”Zero Fatalities by 2020″ initiative with contributions and quotes from