Tag Archives: ramadan driving tips

ramadan 2016 light


ramadan 2016 light

Article updated 3-March-2025

During the holy month of Ramadan, it is sad to witness hundreds of accidents and dozens of fatalities every year. Ramadan is a very special time and it’s all about being with the ones close to you, which creates a lot of traffic! This festive time also brings very unique  challenges for all traffic participants.

Based on our Ramadan accident surveys over the years with some major insurance brands and based on more than 7,000 auto-insurance claims data,  here are the most important findings related to accidents during Ramadan:

  • Older motorists* (30+ and 40+) and male motorists are especially vulnerable
  • Peak accident timings are around pre-Iftar* ]2-5pm / 1-4pm  and the morning rush hour* from 8-10am / 9-12noon
  • Tuesdays/ Wednesdays are the most dangerous days*, and the weekend Saturdays & Sundays the least dangerous

*) survey results differ slightly between the main surveys.

The Ramadan specific lifestyle has physical effects on our body – especially if Ramadan coincides with the hot weather. Fasting can result in dehydration and low blood sugar, which in turn can affect our attentiveness, concentration, vision and reaction. In addition to fasting, the often unusual and irregular meal timings and sleep patterns can cause fatigue, exhaustion, impatience and distraction, which is reflected in early morning accident peaks.

Just before sunset is also a problematic time to be on the roads, because motorists tend to rush towards their Iftar appointments. This pre-iftar rush hour is a mix of psychological urges and physical needs and motorists might use this as an excuse to misbehave on the roads. Hence, all traffic participants (motorists, pedestrians, motorcycle riders, bicyclists, etc.) must be extra careful in this time, too!

How to do it right :

  • Be aware of your own potential limitations!
  • Watch out for other traffic participants potentially under the same effects.
  • Expect the unexpected – we all MUST drive defensively!
  • Plan for possible delays and add a time buffer!
  • Always wear your seat belt – Ramadan is a good time to finally start this habit!
  • When you are male and 40+, be extra careful!
  • Watch out in the  pre-Iftar and morning rush-hours!
  • Motorists should try to anticipate sudden movements by others, including cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians.
  • Keep a sufficient distance between their vehicle and don’t tailgate.
  • Plan  your schedules properly and leave early to avoid the need of rushing and speeding.
  • You can run a little bit late  – people will understand.
  • Stay off the roads at sundown, if you can avoid it.
  • Use your lights during dusk, before Iftar
  • Avoid fatigue and get enough sleep.
  • Pull over immediately when you becoming drowsy.
  • Use public transport or taxis.

 How to do it right  – as non-fasting driver, pedestrian, motorcyclist,  passenger, etc.

  • Be considerate and generous to other traffic participants who might fast!
  • ALL traffic participants – fasting and non-fasting – must be extra careful during Ramadan!
  • Especially, ‘weaker’ traffic participants (pedestrian, cyclist or motorcyclist) must watch out for potentially irrational behavior of other traffic participants!
  • Apply the same defensive driving approach like fasting traffic participants.
  • Be very careful in the peak accident morning rush hours!
  • Try to stay off the roads just before Iftar!
