Tag Archives: staff engagement

Topic Pic Staff Engagement

Staff Road Safety

Topic Pic Staff Engagement

Article updated December 2023

There are 2 CSR labels: ‘Good Citizen’ and ‘Good Employer’. It is important for caring employers to look after their staff from a health and safety standpoint. Road traffic fatalities are the #1 cause of ‘life-years-lost’ (many young victims) and overall #2 cause of death in the UAE and hence, staff road safety should be a focus for all caring employers. In addition, leave of absence and other costs related to road accidents can be a major cost item for companies, impacting their bottom lines (once we had a big UAE group teaming up with us for exactly this reason!), which can be another reasons why companies want to care for the safety education of their employees!

Employers have a strong reach and communication-power to their employees, their families and their suppliers. Meaning, that communication from your employer will most certainly be read and followed (unlike for example generic road safety campaign communication, etc.). This makes employers prime candidates for us and for the cause of road safety, to work on joint staff initiatives.

Our philosophy is not to lecture staff, but to engage with them. This means, the tools we offer mirror our philosophy of including interactive elements like games, quizzes, group work, tapping into the experience of staff, rewarding good behavior, and so on.

How to do it right


  • Road Safety Workshops
  • Road Safety Days (including Police, RTA, other RoadSafetyUAE CSR-Partners
  • Road Safety Modules built into corporate events – example click here – or townhall meetings
  • Defensive Driving ‘behind the wheel’ for on road and off-road driving staff & back-office staff
  • Premise collateral (like in lobbies, canteens, coffee kitchens, etc.) like quarterly themed posters
  • Collateral like key chains, car stickers, etc.
  • Incentive programs for the safest drivers
  • Family engagement at corporate events, competitions for children (drawing, etc.)
  • On-Line pledge for staff and their families … linked to incentives ‘Pledge & Win!’
  • Road Safety Events for the transport eco-system, like for example staff transportation providers – example



  • Telematics, IVMS, Dashboard Cameras
  • Fleet Management Systems
  • ‘Gamify’ the data, elect the safest driver of the month, year

EXAMPLES of activities we held with our CSR-Partners over the years: