Tag Archives: uae road accidents

Topic Pic Statistics Trend Curve Down III

Statistics … it needs good data to foster change!

Topic Pic Statistics Trend Curve Down III

Post updated 16-May-2024

‘Data are the basis of understanding‘, and meaningful initiatives must be grounded in proper understanding, hence the importance for much and quality data! It’s quite a challenge to find data & statistics when it comes to road safety in the UAE.

Hence, we started our own research projects which we feature below in:

FEATURED research and

A) Research commissioned by RoadSafetyUAE (and our CSR-Partners)

B) UAE Data from external sources (please SCROLL DOWN!)


FEATURED research:

A) Research commissioned by RoadSafetyUAE (and our CSR-Partners):

  • February 2024: Distracted Driving is the main killer on UAE roads. But WHAT distracts us? We commissioned a YouGov Study jointly with our CSR-Partner Al Wathba Insurance.
  • Here is the press release – click here!
  • The Excel Sheets with the details can be found here!
  • January 2024: Jointly with our CSR-Partner Al Wathba National Insurance Company, we ran the 10th Cycle of the unique ‘UAE Road Safety Monitor’
  • Here is the press release – click here!
  • Here are the details of the Cycles 1-10 in Excel Format – click here!
  • March 2022: Jointly with our CSR-Partner OnStar and Future Mobility at General Motors Africa and Middle East, we ran a first-ever unique research on the psychological impact of car accidents on drivers in the UAE, the emotions and needs of car accident victims in the seconds right after the accident.
  • This is the first part working on understanding the crash victims
  • The UAE’s leading media covered the research well, for example Khaleej Times
  • December 2021: ‘Running Late – main culprit for reckless driving’ – a joint research initiative with our CSR-Partner Volkswagen to uncover more details about the root cause for much of the misbehavior we see on our roads.
  • Great media coverage with lots of the data points we found: Dubai Eye 103.8, Gulf News, Khaleej Times
  • September 2021: ‘UAE motorists face high levels of driver anxiety’ – we teamed up with our CSR-Partner Volkswagen to understand this important issue of road safety.
  • Some examples of media coverage with the main findings of the study: ARN news center, The National
  • March 2021: ‘Are females the better drivers? (International Women’s Day 2021)’. We compared the behavior patterns of female motorists vs. the behavior of males.
  • The leading media covered this research greatly: Gulf News, Khaleej Times, The National
  • December 2020: In the 2nd part of the  ‘First-Ever’ UAE Car Occupancy Study, we zoomed in on the UAE School Run Patterns, which are a key ingredient to morning rush hours.
  • Press Release including the used excel data (fieldwork conducted by YouGov): click here
  • 2018 November: ‘Research – UAE Seat Belt Usage ‘Before’ & ‘After’ the introduction of the new seat belt law’. We regard this new holistic seat belt law as a water-shed moment for UAE’s road safety. As of 1-July-2017 all passengers must wear seat belts. How has the seat belt usage changed before and after this new law?


B) UAE Data from external sources (press clippings and 3rd party data resources):

  • UAE Road Fatalities

2023 historic fatalities


2024 Historic Data Fatalities UAE


  • 2023: 352 fatalities over a population of  10.17 (source – scroll down to 2023) represents 3.46 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants.
  • 2022: 343 fatalities over a population of 10.08m (source) represents 3.4 fatalities per 100.000 inhabitants.
  • 2021: UAE Road Traffic Fatalities as per https://www.moi.gov.ae/en/Open.Data.aspx: 381 fatalities.  With a population number for the UAE of 9.99m (source) this equals 3.81 fatalities / 100,000 inhabitants (this metric is used by the UN to compare globally)\
  • 2020: UAE Road Traffic Fatalities as per https://www.moi.gov.ae/en/Open.Data.aspx: 354 fatalities. With a population number for the UAE of 9.89m (source) this equals 3.58 fatalities / 100,000 inhabitants
  • 2019: UAE Road Traffic Fatalities decline to 448 as reported by The National.  This is great news! The UN Formula of fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants with an estimated UAE population number of 9.9 million (source => average of 7 data points)  resulting in 4.53 fatalities /100,000 inhabitants. 
  • 2017 UAE Road Traffic Fatalities: slightly different numbers were published my the media at different points during 2018:
    • Nov 2018: revised UAE population figures published: “The UAE’s population was 9,304,277 as of December 31, 2017, announced the Federal Authority for Competitiveness and Statistics, an increase of 2 per cent from 2016″ (https://gulfnews.com/uae/uae-population-crosses-93-million-1.1542898813765) => 525/9,304,277*100,000 = 5.64 fatalities / 100,000 inhabitants in 2017
    • Earlier media reports / sources suggest different numbers:
    • Period ending 23-Dec-2017: 525 fatalities (vs. 706 in the same period 2016)
    • Period ending 23-Dec-2017: 4.4 road fatalities out of every 100,000 people
    • Full Year 2017: road deaths index was 4.53 deaths per 100,000 people in UAE last year compared to 6.13 deaths per 100,000 people in 2016.
    • Sources: https://www.dotemirates.com/en/details/1298459794?from=dot; https://gulfnews.com/news/uae/emergencies/nationwide-campaign-against-speeding-from-january-1-1.2148599; https://www.thenational.ae/uae/dubai-police-525-road-traffic-deaths-in-2017-1.691319
  • 2015 UAE Road Accidents, Injuries and Fatalities
    • The great news is, that in 2015 all indicators point downwards! Meaning less accidents, injuries and fatalities … still, there is a long way to go! It is up to us, THE MOTORISTS to further improve these numbers!Statistics - 2015 UAE Road Traffic Accidents - Injuries - Fatalities
    • UAE 2015 Death / 100,000 population (UN formula) = 5.99
    • Source for all data above: http://www.abudhabinews.net/index.php/sid/24215816
  • UAE 2013 Deaths/100,000: 651 /(9,205,651/100,000) = 7.0717
    • (sources: Wikipedia 2013 UAE population = 9,205,651; UAE MOI 2013 traffic deaths = 651)


C) UAE Data (from various sources):

Other Data we find relevant and interesting: